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Digital Overload Is Frying Our Brains…uh huh…sorry I was distracted by my cell phone: http://tinyurl.com/frybrain

First adult cord blood transplants happening in WI hospitals - stem cell research at work: http://tinyurl.com/adultcord

Mequon company helps smash subatomic particles - this is so cool: http://tinyurl.com/atomsmash

No broadband stimulus for low-income areas because East Coast is already taken care of? What about WI? http://tinyurl.com/lowbroad

Burn victims will benefit from genetically created skin. WI’s 1st rate research facility hard at work. http://tinyurl.com/newskin

Online advertised job vacancies fell sharply across the nation last month, including a decline of 11,000 in WI: http://tinyurl.com/onlinead

WI school district makes technology priority in the classroom; economy may be bad, but still 21st century. http://tinyurl.com/techprio…

Milwaukee based Johnson Controls lands Ford hybrid contract - virtually only hybrid batteries made in US: http://tinyurl.com/JChybrid

Best Buy expands its electronics recycling program to all of its stores this month: http://tinyurl.com/bstbuy

Governor Doyle pushing WI as a center of research and development: http://tinyurl.com/wirandd

La Crosse City Brewery recycling waste to generate electricity for local hospital makes New York Times: http://tinyurl.com/nytbrew

Recording Industry stopping strategy of suing students for downloads, but lawsuits in Madison still going on: http://tinyurl.com/riaamad

The ranks of virtual assistants is rising: http://tinyurl.com/vassist

WI Business and Technology students increase despite economy http://tinyurl.com/teched