Making Online Education More Social

“The three-quarters of 18 to 29 year-olds who have profiles on social networks are likely wondering why online course offerings aren’t nearly as enticing as the content that they find on their favorite social websites.”

Social media is everywhere. Now your parents are on Facebook, Twitter is an essential part of business strategy and even the federal government is trying is joining in on the revolution. So why aren’t the powerful tools and concepts at the heart of social media being used for education?

Marco Masoni, a lawyer turned educator and co-founder of, recently wrote a post for social media blog Mashable about the need for innovation in online education.  Masoni argues that it’s no longer enough for schools to simply make courses accessible online. They must now also consider the social and interactive tools they have available to provide a more dynamic learning experience.

The state of Wisconsin recently received over $65 million in federal funding from the USDA to expand broadband access to previously underserved rural areas. Access to high-speed Internet, made possible by these types of funding projects, coupled with the kinds of innovative educational tools that Masoni is recommending, is key for ensuring Wisconsin students are given the necessary tools to compete in an increasingly high-tech job market.

Masoni cites The Ocean Portal as a particularly good online educational tool. What are some others that you’ve used, good or bad?

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