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Making the most out your social media use

July 20 2011

When posting blogs, tweets, and Facebook comments, timing is everything. Depending on whether your goal is to have the most traffic or most re-tweets, the timing of these posts should be a priority. Several info-graphics recently released by KISSmetrics illustrate how to make the most of your social media use. Their research findings can be used a guide for social media users. Their findings include:

-The average blog post gets the most traffic at 11am, but the most comments around 9am.

-Email opens and clicks are highest in the morning

-The best days to tweet are in the middle of the week , while the best time aroun 5pm

-Except for Saturdays, the best time to post on Facebook is at noon.

Here is just one example of KISSmetrics info-graphs on using social media:

As more individuals, groups, and organizations utilize social media, it is important to consider what kind of impact you want your emails, tweets, and Facebook posts to make. Timing is just as important as the content itself. Don’t let your blog posts and tweets become lost in the sea of social media.

Click here to learn more about KISSmetrics study on the effectiveness of blogs, emails, Twitter and Facebook.