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US State Department amps up social media in January

January 11 2012

January has been dedicated as “The 21st Century Statecraft Month” by Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. Throughout this month, the US State Department plans to combine social media and other tools to engage people around the world in discussing foreign policy and current events. The State Department hopes interaction through social media will bring the United States closer to achieving diplomatic goals.

Among the digital diplomacy efforts, spokesperson Victoria Nuland will be holding a Twitter briefing every Friday this month. Twitter users can ask questions directly to Victoria by using the hash tag #AskState. The US Embassy in Port-au-Price will hold a forum on the continuing work in Haiti two years after the devastating earthquake in 2010.

Though the State Department declared this month as a time to celebrate social media, they already have more than 190 social media accounts. Many of these accounts belong to individual embassies, but some belong to top officials such as Clinton’s Senior Advisor of Innovation Alec J. Ross, an avid social media user.

To learn more about the 21st Century Statecraft Month, click here.

To see a full list of events, click here.

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